Learning To Talk With Dentures


When it comes to learning to talk with dentures, opening and closing your mouth correctly is a product of both physical and mental effort. With time and practice, you learn how to make the correct sounds with the proper opening and closing of your lips and the correct positioning of your tongue.

On the other hand, if your new teeth now seem to be obstructing your progress as you attempt to produce those words again now that they’re missing, there’s good news: You don’t actually have to relearn everything from scratch! In today’s blog, we take a look at talking with dentures, including what you can expect and some tips to overcoming the first few weeks.

Learning to talk with dentures

Learning to talk with dentures #1: Practice talking in front of a mirror

A mirror can be used to help you learn how to speak with dentures by breaking the task into small steps. Place a mirror in front of you, then practice speaking normally. As you adjust your speech, watch your movements. Hit your denture too forcefully with your tongue? See how it moves. You’ll start noticing places where you need more adjustment or repetition, which will help you better understand the mechanics of speech with dentures.

Talking with partial dentures #2: Talk to a close friend or relative

Remember, practice makes perfect when it comes to speaking with dentures. Don’t feel too disappointed if you find that talking with your new full dentures is a little tricky in the beginning. You may want to talk to someone you trust about any concerns you may have, and you can ask for their honest feedback. If it seems like you’re not doing well, don’t be hard on yourself. The important thing is that you take the time to get used to your new dentures and practice speaking with them.

Talking with partial dentures #3: Read out loud

Reading out loud is another excellent way to help you get used to wearing your full or partial dentures. You can practice with any book or magazine that’s available to you. You may even feel more comfortable reading in private, where no one can hear your mistakes!

Learning to talk with dentures #4: Experiment with denture adhesive

Once you’re ready to try out your new dentures, there are some things you can do to promote success. If dentures are too big or small, the fit will be too tight or loose. Make sure you talk to your dental prosthetist about what types of denture cream or adhesive will work best for you. If they still don’t fit right, don’t be afraid to go back to the denture clinic for adjustments, as it may take a few tries to get the perfect fit. However, in the first few weeks of speaking with dentures, a little bit of adhesive can really help.

Learning to talk with dentures #5: Take extra care the first few weeks

We all want the same thing–a natural-looking, comfortable denture that fits well. Pearl Denture Studio will help you achieve that goal and to get there, we’ll start by listening to you and developing a treatment plan. Once in place, we’ll continue to monitor your progress in between appointments and with extra special care in the early weeks, so your treatment is more likely to last long term.


Need new dentures?

Think it’s time for new dentures or nervous about getting your first pair? We can help. Contact our denture clinic today by calling 02 6684 3677 or email pearldenturestudio@gmail.com and one of our denture specialists will be in touch as soon as possible.

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