
Dentist dispelling myths about dentures with two patients | Featured Image for the Myths About Dentures Blog by Pearl Denture Studio.

Busting Myths About Dentures

Dentures have gathered a wide range of myths and misconceptions over time that have spread far and wide with nothing to back the claims. These myths range from dentures only being for old people, to looking fake, or being uncomfortable.

Home dental tools | Featured Image for the Professional Dental Tools for Home Use blog for Pearl Denture Studio.

The Best Professional Dental Tools for Home Use

Home dental cleaning tools are important to maintain white teeth and a healthy mouth. It’s not necessary to wait for your next trip to the dentist to have your teeth cleaned. Click here if you’re interested in knowing what professional dental tools for home use are available for you.

Dentist, parent and child practicing infant oral health techniques | Featured Image for the Infant Oral Health: How to Care for Baby’s Teeth blog from Pearl Denture Studio.

Infant Oral Health: How to Care for Your Baby’s Teeth

Whether you are the proud parent of a toddler or have a baby on the way, you may have already begun to think about infant oral health. While you may believe that children are born without teeth, babies actually begin developing their teeth while they are still in the womb.

Young children smiling | Featured Image for the Consequences of Missing Teeth Blog by Pearl Denture Studio.

Dental Hygiene for Preschoolers: Establishing Good Habits

As a parent, you understand that is your job to teach good habits to your children to help them grow up to live happy and healthy lives. Whether it is eating the right foods or being kind to others, it is vital that you instil your child with positive values at such a young and impressionable age.

Issues Associated With Missing Teeth | Featured Image for the Consequences of Missing Teeth Blog by Pearl Denture Studio.

Consequences of Missing Teeth

When someone loses a tooth, it is easy to only think of the visual impacts. While having a gap in your smile is certainly a distinct look, there are several consequences of missing teeth that go beyond just affecting your appearance.

Toothpase and toothbrush | Featured image for the Toothpaste Myths & Misunderstandings blog by Pearl Denture Studio

Toothpaste Myths & Misunderstandings

While it is vital that we all stick to brushing twice a day, there are certain toothpaste myths and misunderstandings that cloud people’s judgement when it comes to practicing good oral hygiene habits. This blog is designed to clear up these misconceptions, presenting you with only the truth when it comes to preserving your beautiful smile.

Teeth | Featured image for the Keeping Your Smile: Tips for Cleaning Your Teeth blog by Pearl Denture Studio

Keeping Your Smile: Tips for Cleaning Your Teeth

Whether you are using dentures or still possess your natural teeth, it is important that you follow proper dental hygiene techniques for keeping your smile clean and healthy. While we all know that we need to regularly brush our teeth, there are other actions you can do to keep your mouth and teeth as clean as possible. Find out more in this article.

Denturist holding a set of dentures and a green apple | Featured image for Tips for Eating with Dentures for the First Time blog by Diamond Pearl Studio.

Tips for Eating with Dentures for the First Time

Whether they’re partial dentures or full, moulded in plastic or metal, dentures will feel awkward when you wear them for the first time. Because of this, eating becomes a tricky to navigate task, but it doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to approach eating the same again.

Woman smiling | Featured image for the Oral Microbiome: What is It & Why is It Important? blog by Pearl Denture Studio.

Oral Microbiome: What is it & Why is it Important?

The oral microbiome is a highly complex universe of hundreds of types of microorganisms, interacting with each other and with the life processes of the host who is providing the whole group with an environment that has everything they need to survive and prosper.

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